
187次浏览 | 2024-06-06 06:40:05 更新
来源 :互联网



1、baseball棒球 basketball篮球 walking walking race竞走 wall bars肋木 water polo水球 weightlifting 举重 weights 重量级 winter sports 冬季运动 wrestling 摔交 yacht 游艇 本回答由提问者推荐 已赞过 已踩过lt 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为你推荐;Men#39s weightlifting was on the programme of the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896, and women participated for the first time ever at the Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000 男子举重在1896年首届雅典奥运会时就是奥运会比赛项目了,而女子举重直到2000年悉尼奥运会上才成为正式比赛项目 本;Weightlifting举重IntroductionAn ancient sport as old as mankind, embodying the most direct manifestation of human strength, weightlifting has not only flourished, but also developed into a modern sporting discipline for the 21st century The apparent simplicity of lifting the barbell。

2、weightlifting 举重 选项中A lifting weights 举重,故选择此选项,与weightlifting同义 B中形式不正确,应该使用名词形式C lifting weight 的意思是提升重量,吊装重量,不符合题意 故答案为A 欢迎追问;Name Long Chingchuankang Long QingquanSex Male Origin Hunan Date of birth 1990123 Weight 56 kg Item Weightlifting Experience growth Edit this paragraphLong Chingchuankang lively and active at an early age, who love sports, was elected on a very small learning in;举重世界冠军最重举起360公斤2018年全国男子举重锦标赛在湖北宜昌结束了男子69公斤级争夺,里约奥运会该项目冠军浙江选手石智勇以抓举163公斤挺举197公斤,总成绩360公斤轻松包揽三冠,他的360公斤总成绩打破廖辉在2014年世界锦标赛上创造的359公斤的全国纪录,同时超359公斤的世界纪录;Weightlifting Molly Yo, Gordon, what#39s up? Gordon Nothing much How about you? Molly I#39m feeling great I just came back from the gym Gordon Why do you go to the gym? Molly My doctor told me I should start lifting weights, because I am obese Gordon You don#39t look;weightlifting英#712we#618tl#618ft#618#331美#712we#618tl#618ft#618#331n举重以上结果来自金山词霸 例句1Aerobic exercises such as swimming, cycling and brisk walking are good for overall fitness but also try adding anaerobic exercises like。

3、举重英语weightlifting 举重是一项历史悠久的运动,是以举起的杠铃重量为胜负依据的体育运动,由抓举和挺举两个项目构成举重的最高组织机构为国际举重联合会,1920年成立,总部设在匈牙利首都布达佩斯中国的举重最高组织机构为中国举重协会,成立于1956年使用杠铃哑铃壶铃等器材进行锻炼和比赛的运动;总之,撸铁的英文是“lifting weights”或者“weightlifting”,是一种通过举起重物来锻炼身体的健身方式除了撸铁,还有其他多种形式的健身方式,需要根据个人的兴趣和身体状况来选择合适的方式;Swimming游泳可以锻炼心肺功能肌肉力量和耐力,减轻身体的压力和关节负担举重Weightlifting举重可以增强肌肉力量和爆发力,提高身体的稳定性和协调性瑜伽Yoga瑜伽可以缓解身体和心理的压力,促进健康和平衡跳绳Jumping rope跳绳可以锻炼心肺功能,加强协调性和灵活性,适合各年龄段人群。

4、Weightlifting requires a combination of power, speed, technique, concentration and timingSuper heavyweight lifters normally claim the title of World’s Strongest Man or WomanHowever, kilo per kilo, the lightest weightlifter is often the strongestMen’s weightlifting was on the。


发布于 2024-06-06 06:40:05
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